Hello and welcome to the

John and Nancy Cain Rigg Website!

Ancestors of the California Rigg Family

Our Direct Line

Clement Rigg 1779 Pennsylvania
John Rigg 1805 Kentucky
Clement Charles Rigg 1838 Ohio
Stephen Henry Rigg 1870 Ohio

(download GEDCOM below for details)

We are direct descendants of John and Nancy and are researching our roots.  We know only a little information about John and a little bit more about Nancy.  John was born on 12 Apr 1805, in Mason County, Kentucky and died shortly before the 1840 US Federal Census was taken in Mason County, Kentucky where he resided. Nancy and John married on 31 August 1831.  John's father is Clement Rigg, born 20 Feb 1779, of Pennsylvania. Clement married Esther Campbell 6 Apr 1803.

Clement and Esther Rigg Family

Clement and Esther had five living sons:

After Esther's death Clement married Lucinda Henson.

John and Nancy Rigg Family

John Rigg and his wife, Nancy, were land owners in the 1800's and grew tobacco on the family farm near Mt. Olivet, Robertson County, Kentucky.

John and Nancy had four living children, all boys, before John's early death:

The homestead is gone now but was at one time beautifully situated on Henson Ridge between Panther Creek and the North Lick River. There is a family cemetery there that is rich in genealogical information. The Henson family stills live on their farm and takes care of our family cemetery.

Clement Charles and Jane Rigg Family

Clement Charles Rigg is our great grandpa and one of the four sons of John Rigg. 

Clement and Jane had six children:

We have lots of information on Clement and many family photos. We would love to exchange information on this early history family that helped develop the state of Kentucky.  We are six cousins strong here in California. And, are discovering we have very nice cousins in Ohio and Kentucky. If you want to correspond with us please contact me, Verna Rigg Hazelbaker, at the address at the bottom of this web page. Thanks a million!


Clement Charles Rigg

20 Mar 1838 ~ 23 Apr 1906


Table of Contents

The ancestry report uses 'Ahnentafel' numbering. This means that the numbers for a person's parents will be twice as large as that person's number. For example, if a woman's number is 15, her father will be number 30, and her mother will be 31. Her child will be number 7.

Verna Rigg Hazelbaker and my email is: verna_hazelbaker2002@yahoo.com . I also maintain this website. If there is an error or problem please let me know. Thx!

Last updated on 16 Nov 2004. Site originally created using Personal Ancestral File, a product of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.